See also Kino MacGregor Challenge Pose. March 24 2015 Kino MacGregor. Yoga Backbends Kapotasana Tutorial With Kino Yoga Backbend Online Yoga Classes Advanced Yoga When I was in college I took a beginner swim class. Kapotasana Kino . Learning Kapotasana for Ashtanga Yoga with Kino MacGregor and Ana Guerra. And here come the crazies. Save my name email and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Prepare for radical heart opening while safely integrating the bandhas and inner thigh strength and discover how to bring your advanced backbending postures to the next level. Prepare for radical heart opening while safely integrating the bandhas and inner thigh strength and discover how to bring your advanced backbending postures to the next level. Kapotasana Pigeon Pose Find more energy and freedom in your spineand your mindas you move step by step into Kapotasana. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Which was utterly terrifying for me. March 24 2015 Kino MacGregor. ...