Before you start the most important thing to know is that the sun salutation sequence should work for you. Ancient History Of Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation The main reason for doing Sun Salutation is probably to absorb life-energy from it. What Is Surya Namaskar Yoga Sun Salutation Yoga And How To Do It Yoga For Beginners Surya Namaskar Yoga Sun Salutation To me pseudo-scientific claims only serve to harm the yoga community so I choose not to give them airtime here. Surya Namaskar Yoga Uses . Raise your hands slowly and join them right in front of your chest assuming the pose of Namaste. Surya Namaskar improves blood circulation to all parts of the body thus keeping the skin young. It is not by accident but by intent that it has been structured with twelve postures or twelve asanas in it. Besides being a great cardiovascular workout Surya Namaskar is also known to have an immensely positive impact on the body and mind. A d the best part is you do t have to use a y equipme ...